Getting To Know Jossy Dee
We have seriously been on the prowl for new talent and artist who are different from what the industry is used to. We sat down with a perfect candidate for that today and his name is Jossy Dee. Here's what Jossy had to say to us.
My name is Jossy Dee! Been doing music for 9 years. Seeing other successful artists inspires me and I look up to Kendrick Lamar, solely because he's here to bring hip hop back.My ultimate goal making music is to eventually become a household name and an A list celebrity. The music scene today is very different from what it used to be, in good and bad ways. Some of the benefits now are that I can produce, rap, make my own cover art & animated videos, I'm tryna relate my music with my art in all aspects. You can find my music on my soundcloud here's my latest single My instagram, twitter, Facebook & snapchat is Jossy_Dee I have a new E.P on the way next month, dropping with a video that you should look out for