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Amir Jackson 🎶🔥😳

Coming all the way from Dallas, TX. This next artist is extremely talented and we feel he could be a big contribution to the music industry! Don’t be one of those people that waited until the very last minute to get hip to what Amir Jackson has going on! He’s a threat! 

1. What's your stage name(s). 🔉I go by name Amir. No gimmicks or questions. Just me! 2. How long have you been doing music? 🔉I've always created music in some form or fashion since a small child. I had a guitar and amp at 6 and would have a concert in my room every night. Fast forward 20 years and here I am today. 3. What inspired you to start making music? 🔉Just being in a creative space, being a creative person and wanting to Express myself and the visions I have in my mind to the world. If I could paint as well as I could write i would have mona lisa's laying around my apartment. 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why? 🔉I look up to a lot of people. Wayne def holds a special place in my heart. But I'm a Big L and Big Pun fan. I'm from cali so the oldschool boom bap vibe hits home with me. I also rock with the DJ Quicks and Ice Cubes, HOV, K dot, Nippsy. Anybody who can really rap. And anybody giving back to the community. That's what it's all about in the end. 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there? 🔉Born in Atlanta and raised in San Diego, moved around a lot cause I was in a military household so up until 7th grade I was all over the US. Seen a lot of different places and people and lings as well. I learned to adapt and become a chameleon of sorts. Always having to shift and refocus, constantly on my toes, no real friends or people you can depend on for too long so you learn to depend on yourself. Self survivor. I dont need anybody and I'm comfortable anywhere. 6. What is your ultimate goal making music? 🔉I want to be able to give back to people who get ovr looked or the ones people choose not to think about. Its a lot of hungry people in the world. A lot of cold people, sick people. Not enough help. I also want to bring back bars. Real rap not melodies and songs. Hip hop has merged into the pop range and its kinve created a whole new sound which is great. But I still like to listen to rap and it's not a lot of that out right now. 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it? 🔉I think its amazing. Everyday I'm finding another great song or artist I wasnt aware of. Now are those people getting the lime light, not so much. Industry wise I think there is some good music but always room for improvement. And I'm bringing that fire from the gates of hell. Everybody else playing with matches. 8. What are your thoughts on Trump? 🔉I'd rather look at an honest racist vs someone hiding behind a mask. He shows his cards and isn't apologetic about it or politically core t so that's refreshing. Dont agree with his ways but hey who cares. If he dies he dies. Haha. Young Drago! 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 🔉Priyanka. Yes! 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links) Tidal Spotify Apple music Datpiff 11. The summer is here! What all do you plan on accomplishing? 🔉Numbers. People will know my name after this year. I promise. Do you feel that #XXXtentacions death affected the music industry? 🔉Yea and no. I feel like it affected his fans more than anything. He basically created a cult and really connected with his fans or at least made them feel that way. As an artist that's how you do it. Make people feel your pain. Make them see what you see and go where you go. It's sad what happened but honestly in today's time it's not surprising and that's the scary part.  

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