Identification 🌐

Rapping since he was 13, but just recently began taking the music seriously! He goes by Identification! Do not sleep on this dude! His new song, “$inner” is a must hear. 🎶 we see XXL in his future really soon! No 🧢 his passion for the music is what’s going to take him to the top. Out of all the artist we’ve worked with, he has the most to say and that says a lot. 👀
1. What's your stage name(s).
🔊I go by identification aka ID. 2. How long have you been doing music?
🔊Well tbh I’ve been WRITING songs since I was like 13 but I started recording music just this past year so 2017-18 is pretty much when I took everything serious. 3. What inspired you to start making music?
🔊Really I was inspired by my pops. Seeing him ever since I was little juss singin around the house and seeing how happy the music made him made me get into all types of music and seeing how much work you need to put into the little things made me realize I wanted to get into the game. 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?
Mannnn that is such a hard question to be honesttt, I look up to so many people in like different ways you know? Whether they used to rap or they rap now I can’t jus pick one man I see it as I looked up to different people all through my life. I love the old school vibes and the word play that come along w it but I can’t hold back on listening to these new rappers and the new waves that everybody gettin on to. Sometimes I wanna sit and feel the music and other times I’m tryna turn up and see some BACKS break. 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?
🔊Soo before I moved down here to Florida I first stayed in Lawton, OK. And from what I remember all I can say is that I loved it. Living down there it was a small city you saw familiar faces all the time and everything was mad close to you. I remember being able to walk to school, to my cousins house, to my friends crib there in the neighborhood and back to my house all in one day like it was nothin. It was never bad and my parents never let me see any struggles as I was growing up. Shoooot now that I’m older is when they lettin me know how hard things would get at times. But I thank them everyday cuz it makes me who I am now. 6. What is your ultimate goal making music?
🔊My ultimate goal making music would be to make people feel all types of ways w it. like you can listen to one of my songs and itll make you feel a certain way. Not too deep but some way. You can feel like you wanna get up and turn up type, be calm, idk all sorts of stuff I really wanna get to people and have em feel it. 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?
🔊I think that it’s nice and I really like what some people be putting out and I like to see that they really jus havin fun w the music and whether certain people like it or not it’s wavy. I mean I really like the old school stuff I always will cuz it’s hard, but this new stuff comes in all types of ways at me, I like it and I feel like I’m learning from maad people and trying to make my own authentic sound and have people remember that name ID and know I’m jus havin fun. 8. What are your thoughts on Trump?
🔊I don’t like him or what he’s doin rn. Things that should be changing aren’t but that’s jus my thoughts. I don’t like him lolol 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who?
🔊shhooooottt I mean I have a couple but we never know what’s gonna happen in a year or so and who’s gonna blow up so ima jus keep my mouth quiet and not go wild jus yet LOL. 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)
I want everyone to check out all my social I post about all my songs when I’m gonna drop and I always answer back or I try my best. enjoy and send feedback as u go. Music Twitter - @youcantidentify Personal - @edcknowitt Snapchat - @yoyoelianbih soundcloud - ENJOY ! 11. The summer is here! What all do you plan on accomplishing?
🔊I plan on getting bigger in the world and getting better at my craft I wanna attract all types of people into my music and I want them to have fun and feel it forreal, I wanna get people to enjoy my music to the point they can’t stop playin it. I wanna go crazy w this. 12. Do you feel that #XXXtentacions death affected the music industry?
🔊Maaan. First and foremost x was definitely no doubt about it such an idol to me and idc man ask anybody who knows me and they know the way he came out w something crazy something different something that really made him stand out made me jus wanna pursue my music dream even more so I can have fun and not let anyone change my style or change what I go with so in my opinion I think his death was shocking I mean really controversial too and it was jus too fast too quick you know and people believe what they wanna believe you know. #RIPX definitely meant a lot to the game and always will for sure.