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Young Jii Industry Ready

1. What's your stage name. Young Jii 2. How long have you been doing music?

Just started at the beginning of the year almost  3. What inspired you to start making music?

Kept catching signs that i should start so i did 

4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?

I look up to aboogie right now, out of all the new heads his flow is different i bang with it heavy my goal is to get a ft with him 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?

Im from Va, ain't nun special growin up over here it's pretty straight forever gunna rep dmv.

6. What is your ultimate goal making music?

My goal is blow up in music so i can start doing other things run business start a clothing line make money with money. 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?

The hip hop game today is weak in my opinion this new people are okay it's just they all sound the same i wanna bring something new to the table. 8. What are your thoughts on hurricane Harvey? 

Fuck that hoe, praying for all my people out in TX.  9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 👀


you can find my music on sound cloud for now soundcloud: instagram: twitter: 

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