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Put some RESPECK on Charleito

Yo! It's that time again! It's Friday, you ain't got no job....haha jk. So, we linked up with a hot up and coming artist by the name of Charleito. He is all the way from Indiana. Man, when I tell you this dude is DOPE, I mean every letter! If you're sleep on him, I'm here to wake you up. Put some Respeck on it......

1. What's your stage name.

"Charleito" 2. How long have you been doing music?

 "I started around 8th grade. I made songs throughout highschool but didn't take it serious until I was finished with school."

3. What inspired you to start making music?

"Just wanting to being different. I didn't start to be like anyone else.. It became my way of venting and turning people up... Plus I was around it all my life so that's what made it cool to me." 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?

"There's a few I respect, but I'd say I look up to myself because I remember where I'm from. Not everybody believed in me or wanted to see me take it this far; but I never let that determine how my life went. I was closer than ever to not being shit. I had to help myself." 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?

"Marion, Indiana. Growing up was just like anywhere else. I'm from a area called maple. I seen it all there. Friends murdered. Drive by's. Fought people. That's everywhere though. I didn't get in trouble in school though. I mean, I wasn't the best kid but I was never looking for trouble." 

6. What is your ultimate goal making music?

"To change the game. Make music fun and most importantly REAL again; like I saw when I was growing up ya know? Run the billboards. Get a couple grammy's. Build up my team so we can all shine. The whole 9. I'm willing to work for that too.. I want it all." 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?

"Its the internet age. It's up for grabs as far as new artist come. Anybody can be somebody now. It's more popular artist rather than talented artist. I ain't knocking anybody but it is what it is. I could bring my original adrenaline, good energy and a breath of fresh air. Ya know, what they call em? "Hits"?" 8. What are your thoughts on hurricane Harvey and all the other tragedies going on in America right now? 

"I'm heartfelt for all of the tragedies. The world can be a fucked up place.. my condolences to the ones that aren't here. Better days are coming though. No doubt."

9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 👀

"Sommer Ray." 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)

11. Tell us a little about your latest music. What was your inspiration? What was the process of making it? What's next for you? My last released single "My Position". Experience. I called my engineer and booked a day. Then wrote the song on my way there while my little brother drove. What's next? Me.. I'm coming.

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