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The REAL Henny God 👀

Any Henny drinkers out there!?! Well if so you're in for a real surprise! We linked up with a cat that calls himself HennyGod...the real one. That's a huge statement. He's from the state we love the most, TEXAS! What is it with Texas? It seems like all the dopest music comes from there. 😭😭😭 anywho, check out exclusive interview we had the honor of doing with THE REAL HennyGod. 🙏🏽

1. What's your stage name.

"HennyGod" 2. How long have you been doing music?

"Started writing music at age 9 or 10 , started recording at age 13." 3. What inspired you to start making music? "Listening to alot of Em, lil Wayne , big L, biggie, PAC, nwa, Kanye west etc etc." 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why? "So many artist I look up to but I studied some word play from Joyner Lucas. The dude is cold as shit and the way he pieces shit together. One song of his that caught my attention was "backwards" 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?

"I'm from Campstreet Seguin, Texas but I grew up in Schertz, Texas. Small town, everybody knows everybody, not much to do around here unless you go to downtown San Antonio." 6. What is your ultimate goal making music?

"My ultimate goal for this music shit is to make music for people like me who are going thru shit , depression, suicide, anger, whatever emotion they feel I want people to know that we got the same struggle. I also wanna help people get thru suicidal thoughts and help in any way I can." 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?

"The "new wave" today is trash honestly. Kodak, 21, xxx, uzi, etc etc are far from my playlist. I like music that makes you think and makes you want to decipher it. As far as my contribution to music I'm just here to change lives."

8. What are your thoughts on hurricane Harvey and all the other tragedies going on in America right now?

"Hurricane Harvey hit close to home and to a cities I love the most in Texas. I pray Texas bounces back from this."

9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 👀

"Celebrity crush would most definitely be the babygirl Zendaya" 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)

"You can find my music on Twitter and Instagram. I'll be creating a new SoundCloud to start new. @realhennygod for both IG And Twitter" 

11. Tell us a little about your latest music. What was your inspiration? What was the process of making it? What's next for you?  

"The inspiration to my new music is listening to alot of em, Joyner, Cole and Kendrick to expand my word play and story telling. I talk about real life situations in my music and I like to pick apart a beat If it's use of wordplay or if I feel like telling a story. What's next for me is to keep creating music for myself and for the people that think the way I think and feel nobody understands. My future in this industry is big and I'll be shot callin here soon."

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