So you guys know us. We stay showing love to Texas. This next guys music is so dope and unique. Maybe that's because Texas raised him, but California made him. He does by the name of $AMURAI MALU$H. He is somebody to watch out for in 2018. All he needs is visuals and we truly believe he will take off. 🔌🙏🏽
check out interview below.

1. What's your stage name.
"$AMURAI MALU$H" 2. How long have you been doing music?
"Around 6 years, ever since I was in 8th grade to be exact."
3. What inspired you to start making music?
"I want someone like me to listen to me because I wanted to be an inspiration myself and I told myself that I'm gonna get my name out there!" 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?
"Wiz Khalifa, he was the first person I actually started listen to under the rap Genre and also my friend JIGGY, he is on the song "To The Party with me and he's been making music longer than me! Shout out to him!"

5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?
"Los Angeles, California but I currently live in Garland, Texas. I mostly grew up in Texas and growing up was the best because my friends and I made life better with what we had even when we had nothing. I gotta thank them for all the support and for believing in me." 6. What is your ultimate goal making music?
"I really wanna inspire anyone and I wanna show them that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Also I just love making music and my goal for it is to really just let some anyone vibe with it." 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?
"Music is changing/evolving and of course people don't like change but it doesn't hurt to give new things a try. Only thing I wanna contribute is a new sound to it." 8. What are your thoughts on players not standing during the national anthem? Do you think Trump was wrong for "banning" the warriors from the White House?
"Freedom of Speech that's what we live by, I totally agree with taking a knee, there is nothing I'd change with them doing it.Yes,Trump was VERY wrong! The warriors got no worries though!"

9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 👀
"Yes I do, @Zendaya she will always be my celeb crush,I hope one day I meet her and take her on a date and see where it could go." 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)
https://m.soundcloud.com/user-141676156 Twitter - @therealmalush th IG- @samuraimalush Snapchat - drewycx 11. Tell us a little about your latest music. What was your inspiration? What was the process of making it? What's next for you? "I have progressed a lot through the years and I'm happy on how my music is sounding lately it's been getting better and better and I'm hoping one day I start doing shows very soon! My inspiration was my family I see that they have been tired lately and I wanna make them proud and not let them worry about paying anymore bills.Tge process of my music was hard because from trying to figure out what my stage name should be to how my voice should sound on the mic, many people think it's easy to make music but they have no clue what an artist has to do to make every single detail right! I recently got a contract offered to me for modeling/acting so that might be a next step in my life."