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Who Is Dot Hollis!?!

Yo! What is hip hop? Does is even exist anymore? Do rappers even make meaningful music still? Kendrick, Cole, the greats! When you think of them, do you think their will ever be another? Well, We got a surprise for you guys! This guy may be the next great! He goes by the name of Dot Hollis. When we checked him out there was no denying how talented he was. Check out the interview below: 1. What’s Your Stage Name? "Dot Hollis (Dorchester Hollis)"

2. How Long Have You Been Doing Music? "I’ve been rapping since the age of 6. I’ve been recording music since Middle School." 3. What Inspired You To Start Rapping? "I remember in 2nd grade my teacher buying me a journal and encouraging me to write down my thoughts and feelings. She had seen potential in my writing since then it’s been therapeutic for me to express myself through writing & music." 4. Who Do You Look Up To In The Music Industry & Why? "Honestly I would have to say 50 Cent. His entrance into the industry, as bombarding as it was, is unmatched. Business savvy & determined, and an insatiable appetite for success helped propel him to an Icon. His early career is the epitome of an artist’s dream of success in the music industry." 5. Where Are You From? What Was It Like Growing Up There? "Boston MA. I enjoyed part of my childhood. Despite the neighborhood being infested with drugs, gangs, and prostitution, I had presents every Christmas and a basket every Easter. My childhood home was a single family with 3 floors. Summer nights every kid on the street would be outside playing tag or hide and go seek enjoying the warm night. Sometimes I miss it." 6. What is You Ultimate Goal Making Music? "I just want the people to listen. For me success is a fan telling how much they enjoy my record or how much one of songs have been an inspiration. I don’t plan to become famous and reach Drake status but the idea that the people appreciate something you took the time and effort to create is enough for me." 7. What Do You Think Of The Music Scene Today & How Can You Contribute To It? "I think music has come a long way but I also feel as though it lacks originality. Everything now is trendy so it’s a competition on who can bring the most shock value. I look to contribute originality. I see myself as a “break” from what everyone else is doing." 8. What Are Your Thoughts On Hurricane And All The Other Tragedies Going On Right Now? "Devastating. You feel helpless because while it’s happening there is literally nothing you can do. My fiancé has family in Puerto Rico & we can only hope that they’re alive and well. Not being able to communicate and forced to wait is nerve wracking. My thoughts are with the people everywhere who directly affected by this and my condolences to everyone who has lost family in this tragedy." 9. Do You Have Any Celebrity Crushes? If So Then Who? "Eva Mendes & Sofia Vergara" 10. Where Can People Find Your Music? 11. Tell Us About Your Latest Music. What Was You Inspiration? What Was The Process of Making It? What Is Next For You? "My latest music Coke Deal was inspired from simply not having a lot. It’s metaphorical in a sense that the “COKE DEAL” itself can be any grind or hustle to escape poverty. You don’t have to literally sell drugs you can put in ample amount of overtime and that decision was your “COKE DEAL”. Whatever you feel is necessary for a chance of survival. A lot of what I write comes from my experience in life whether directly or indirectly. The process is simple; I need my privacy. No one is allowed to be around or interrupt when I’m creating. Next for Hollis are more visuals, an album which is in the works and a Dot Hollis Documentary by Dante Luna." 

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