Who Is Dende?
I don't know what it is about Texas, but it seems like all the rappers are coming out of the state. Today we got an up and coming rapper with us by the name of, "Dende" When you guys here how powerful his music is, you will instantly understand why we decided to interview him. His new single, "Wrist Watch" will bring you to tears. It targets what's going on in today's society. He is a true poet and the world needs to hear him. 2018 top pick!

- 1. What's your stage name.
- 2. How long have you been doing music?
"Ive been singing my whole life but making my own music about 2 years."
- 3. What inspired you to start making music?
"Ive always loved live bands and music. Seeing michael jackson perform and control a whole audience with his presence sold me with performing."

- 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?
-"Chance the rapper. I've been listening to him since i was in high school and he wasn't famous yet. I'm proud of him for doing everything he has so far in this industry full of fake people."
- 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?
"I was born in Austin, but i grew up in Katy, TX outside of Houston. It was the suburbs so it was pretty boring to be honest."
- 6. What is your ultimate goal making music?
"I just want to be able to travel sharing my music with people and make enough money to live."

-7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?
"Music changes every week. I enjoy a lot of different types of music and think that in specifically hip hop its taking a turn to a more weird place and i love it. I know that i can bring a positive and upbeat feel to music today."
- 8. What are your thoughts on players not standing during the national anthem? Do you think Trump was wrong for "banning" the warriors from the White House?
"I think that some of the players not kneeling NOW are very far from the original statement of the protest. The original protest by Kaepernik was against Police Brutality and police facing little to no consequences for murdering people because they "feared for their lives". I still support them but would rather them have kneeled originally. Dealing with trump i have no opinion on him banning the warriors because at this point i feel that he is irrelevant. Taking back an invite from someone who already said they would not attend just makes no sense."

- 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 👀
"My celebrity crush is Zendaya definitely."
- 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)
- @Dende_zx twitter, soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dendezx/vibrateprod-dende , youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Jclewings20101.
- 11. Tell us a little about your latest music. What was your inspiration? What was the process of making it? What's next for you?
"My more recent music is all about freedom. From where i started from a year ago with crippling depression and anxiety to now where i feel like i can accomplish anything. My music now is a little more about having fun. Some is a little more serious addressing social issues that some people would rather not talk about. Right about now whats next is a little too far in the future. Just wait and see."