Baltimore! This next guy we are interviewing shocked us when he sent us his remix to Tay K's "The Race" You can definitely tell that he is a versatile artist. We believe that he can put the state of Maryland on in a major way in 2018. DO NOT SLEEP! Meet KwonteTheArtist.

1. What's your stage name.
"My stage name is KwonteTheArtist." 2. How long have you been doing music?
"I started making music when I was about 16 years old." 3. What inspired you to start making music?
"My inspiration was definitely when I saw how much love and support I received when I shared my story through my music. It means a lot for people to like the real me." 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?
"I would have to say Lor Scoota and 50 are my role models in the industry. They both stayed true to themselves and only stated the facts." 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?
"I was born in Baltimore, Maryland, but I would say that I’m from Columbia, Maryland. Columbia is a peaceful suburb some days and other days not so much. It has a combination of everybody. Some people I grew up with had much more than I did, but we all looked out for each other for the most part. My grandmother raised my siblings and I since my mom was never around. I never met my father either, but my grandma tried her best to give us a better life."

6. What is your ultimate goal making music?
"My ultimate goal is to provide my kids with everything I never had and make sure I’m being the best father and role model that I can be to them." 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?
"The music scene is filled with different types of sounds and flows. I think I can contribute to the originality and bring a new sound and flow to the music industry."
8. What are your thoughts on the Vegas Shooting that left more than 50 people dead?
"America needs to recognize that these horrific attacks like in Vegas are acts of terrorism. Fifty people died in the hands of a terrorist. We need to call it what it is so we can come together and address the issue." 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 👀
"My celebrity crush is no doubt Rihanna" 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)
My music can be found on SoundCloud and Twitter. Follow me on Twitter @KwonteTheArtist