Brazilian Rapper Lil Green
As 2018 approaches, we are looking for the rawest talent we can find. We want to help break artist and give them an extra push with our platform. This next guy really shocked us with his music. He is from Brazil and he goes by the name of "Lil Green" he will be someone you'll hear a lot about in 2018! Check out interview below:

1. What's your stage name.
"Lil Green"
2. How long have you been doing music?
"2 Years" 3. What inspired you to start making music? "I’ve always been musically inclined and I love it, people have always said I have talent, so why not." 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?
"Playboy carti, Lil Uzi, Wiz Khalifa, A$AP Mob, Speaker Knockerz (RIP), NWA, Kendrick Lamar, Schoolboy Q, Kid Cudi, lotta others."
5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?
"Originally I’m from the projects of São Paulo,Brazil. I was adopted at 7 months old and moved from Brazil to Columbus Ohio when I was around 4, Columbus is cool, just kickin with the homies mostly not trynna get into too much trouble, just smoke a lot of weed and have fun making music with the boys. Trynna make a name for myself you know." 6. What is your ultimate goal making music?
"At the end of the day I need money, fuck a desk job. That’s just not for me, but I also like to put on for kids like me and encourage them to do something big with they’re lives too. We’re all supposed to go out with bang, and leave a good memory, at least that what I believe."
7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?
"I think the music scene today is dope, it’s obviously different, things never stay the same, and sometimes it’s hard for people to wrap there heads around all the new type of music that been getting big lately but I think it’s great. I just want to make shit that’s dope and shit that I fuck with and other people will love as well, some music that kids can listen to and just tune out for a minute or two, and feel dope as hell for a second, get kids inspired, you know!" 8. What are your thoughts on the Vegas Shooting that left more than 50 people dead?
"The Vegas shooting was horrible, I can’t believe that even happened, seems like this country has a lot to work on, but I don’t really like to focus on negatives too much, I believe in focusing on positivity a lot." 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 👀
"If I had to pick one it would be cardi b, she’s really beautiful and I like her character." 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)
You can find my music on SoundCloud: Find me on insta @lilgreenofficial 11. As the new year approaches, where do you see yourself in 2018?
"I see my self as a very prevalent up and coming artist blowing up, definitely."