Siiire 🤴🎶⚡️😈
When you think of real artist you think of Meek, J Cole, Kendrick, etc. people that have really been through the struggle and know what it feels to come from the bottom. This next artist is coming out of Philly and his story is quite inspirational. He goes by the name of Siiire. He is someone you want to watch out for in 2018.

1. What's your stage name.
“Siiire” 2. How long have you been doing music?
“Ever since I was 12, so basically like 10 years”
3. What inspired you to start making music?
“What inspired me was being in the church. Just growing up as a Baptist & being around all that feel good type of vibe , always made me feel good.” 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?
“I look up to A lot of people in the music industry honestly . If I had to pick one it would be Meek Mill. He from my city and he’s the voice for our youth , that man is just an inspiration foreal foreal #freemeek” 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?
“Philly. And crazy man definitely the trenches down there lol. But naw it wasn’t that bad as everybody make it seems, I mean it’s like your normal ass hood you know? Everybody doing what they doing to get by. Moms raised us right to by the way”

6. What is your ultimate goal makinng music?
“Ultimate goal in making music? I just want people to know who I am all around honestly . Money isn’t nothing to me I just want to be in the position to help my family and loved ones out .” 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?
“It’s progressing (in a good way ) . People can say what they want but hip hop isn’t going to constantly change , for the better of course . I’m going to contribute swag, and most importantly a lot more love to the game. I’ll Show love to every artist even if I don’t bang with you like that” 8. What are your thoughts on Trump?
“I don’t even know man I’m Not big into politics. He’s our president and that’s just the shit we have to deal with. He could be less negative though for sure” 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 👀
“nawwww I got a girl lol. But myself as my own crush” 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)

11. As the new year approaches, where do you see yourself in 2018? “Im a go getta so precisely I see myself getting more buzz for sure. Everybody gonna know who Siiire is.”