Walden Wesley 🚀
“I am from a small town called "Imperial" about 20 minutes outside of Pittsburgh, PA. Growing up there was very interesting because it's a very cut & dry place. Art is almost a foreign concept there.” This next guy goes by the name of Walden Wesley, and as you can see he is very well spoken. All the way from Pittsburgh. This year will be a big year for Walden on the music scene if he stays consistent and applying pressure. Should be a breeze. 🔑

1. What's your stage name.
⭐️ Hi my name is, Walden Wesley 2. How long have you been doing music?
⭐️ A full decade this year. 3. What inspired you to start making music?
⭐️ My father was a singer in a traveling band called "Twice As Nice" for my entire childhood. Watching him command a crowd made me fall in love with music.
4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?
⭐️ I look up to Kanye West first & foremost for the simple fact that "808's & Heartbreak" paved the way for artists otherwise percieved as "rappers" to expand into alternate genres. He birthed an entire new age of R&B music. I believe that wholeheartedly. Lil Wayne, Childish Gambino, Drake, Halsey, PARTYNEXTDOOR, Chance The Rapper, all of these artists are the most elite in my opinion. 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?
⭐️ I am from a small town called "Imperial" about 20 minutes outside of Pittsburgh, PA. Growing up there was very interesting because it's a very cut & dry place. Art is almost a foreign concept there. Ironically enough, I've grown up with / met some of the most creative human beings in that same town. Collectively, we're working to shift the ideal there so younger kids know there's more to life & it's very much attainable.

6. What is your ultimate goal makinng music?
⭐️ My ultimate goal making music is to make people genuinely "feel" & know that is okay to feel. In today's culture, it's almost not cool to be a normal human that processes & feels emotion of any kind. I want to share my moments of inspiration, vulnerability, joy & heartbreak with anybody who is willing to listen & make them think about a time in their life when they've felt the same way. That way they know they're not alone. We're so close to all being connected in this world, I want to help bring us all closer & bridge the gap. 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?
⭐️ I think today's music scene is very dynamic & different. I used to be apposed to the shift & the change, but as you get older you just realize that life & the things inside of it are made to change. I think some of these artist could use their platforms to make a little more change, but who am I to say that, you know? It's just an opinion. I think I could contribute the positive, glass half full type of mentality that I believe is desperately needed not only in the music scene but needed in the world. I'm just a kid that likes to have fun, tell stories & doesn't take himself too seriously. I think my music reflects those things well. 8. What are your thoughts on Trump?
⭐️ lmao, my parents told me years ago to never speak on politics.

9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who?
⭐️ My first & only celebrity crush is 10/10.. Halsey. She's the ideal woman. 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)
⭐️ My music can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Google Play, Pandora & very very soon, I'll be relaunching my Youtube channel. I have a music video I shot for my Drake "Teenage Fever" Remix that'll be the grand relaunching of that so be on the look out. Definitely keep up with me on Twitter! @WaldenWesley You know, for daily motivational things like reminders to drink your water & all of that fun stuff. *Instagram is also @WaldenWesley 11. As the new year approaches, where do you see yourself in 2018?
⭐️ In 2018, I see myself leveling up & working harder than I ever have. While i've been writing songs for about 10 years now, I understand now more than ever there's a certain level of consistency that needs to be maintained. This is a difficult spectrum to navigate. Distractions & fumes are what we're running from this year. My father (God rest his soul) has a plan for me & I fully plan on following it for him, the rest of my family & for the people who enjoy my art. In tune & can't lose. Soundcloud.com/thepushofchange twitter.com/waldenwesley