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JustInTime 🕓⭐️🚀

This next artist caught our attention with his latest project entitled, “Cloud Infinite” His Music is extremely dope! JustInTime is the next artist to get some major buzz in 2018!  

1. What's your stage name? ⭐️ My stage name is JustInTime 2. How long have you been doing music? ⭐️ I’ve been making music for like 7 years ever since i was a sophomore in high school. 3. What inspired you to start making music? ⭐️ What made me really get into music was definitely hearing it all the time. Rather than be with radio, MTV, 106 & Park, TRL, and limewire the original DatPiff lol. I really just like the idea of expression over an instrumental. I was into poetry as a kid, but always hearing music every day and what not. I decided to combine the two together. My first patch of work wasn’t the best i had no flow was unoriginal and dry. I really just spent many moons trying to get better and i still am. 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why? ⭐️ I thank my sports Idols like MJ, Kobe, Mike Vick, and John Cena. I’m obsessed with progress like I like making dope ass music. 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there? ⭐️ I was born in Mt Holly New Jersey but I’m from Hampton Virginia. Growing up in Hampton is an experience we’re so different as a culture. As you prob know the 757 has its music legends with Pusha, Pharrell, Missy, Timberland, even D.R.A.M you hear about these guys like they’re ghosts. It’s hard making music because of how great they’re but on the same coin everyone is trying to make music out here. The 757 is trying to be put on the map we have a good area, women, and different shit going on here. Hampton is a straight to the point area where if you’re putting good music people will tell you. I’ve had a lot of experiences and stories for days but this city is where I really found myself and my sound. 6. What is your ultimate goal makinng music? ⭐️ My ultimate goal in music is to make a sound that everyone can relate too even though I am black and most of the shit I talk about is black issues and what not. I want everyone to view me as rapper that reached all with the mic I don’t want to be the best but I want my impact to reach millions. 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it? ⭐️ The music scene today is fast paced everyone wants their favorite artist to drop something immediately and good. I’m one of those artists that likes to take their time and make something timeless. This can cause conflict in today’s music world but always trust the process. My shit is dope I hear and study everyone so I’ll try my best to really create something that everyone can enjoy in a timely manner. The music scene is definitely open to SoundCloud and just independent artists which is easy for me to come up. 8. What are your thoughts on Trump? ⭐️With trump being elected just reminds of how we still have some growing up to do as a nation. It’s hard for me to really accept that man as our president, but with his election win has made me more alert with politics and shit like that. I can say for sure Obama will be missed but we gotta do our part as people and vote so shit like this never happens again. 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? ⭐️ I have like 3 bae’s lol Zendaya is like wife except she doesn’t know that. Not only is she beautiful and fashionable she has a great mind. The other two bae’s is Chantel Jeffries and Liv Morgan 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links) ⭐️ You can find all my music on my social media accounts. My Twitter name is @MadeJustInTime my IG is Justiniancode and Most of the time I’ll snap my link so add my snapchat MadeJustInTime 11. As the new year approaches, where do you see yourself in 2018? ⭐️ With the new year being here I plan on dropping two tapes. Still promoting tf outta Cloud infinite and performing at open mic nights and dropping dope ass music videos.  

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