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JaeTwo3 & Big Smooth (9Ten) 🎶

These next two artist are a group like you’ve never seen before. They are going to break so many chains in the game it’s ridiculous. Meet 9ten. Big Smooth does his thing while JaeTwo3 does the rapping. 😳🔥 these guys missed this years XXL freshmen but I can assure you they’ll be there next year. 

1. What's your stage name(s).

JaeTwo3 & Big Smooth, Our groups name 9Ten, we are a collective, so its way then us two, Shout out to the team!! But I'm the rapper in the group ( JaeTwo3) 2. How long have you been doing music?

💰I've been rapping since I was a kid but started getting real with it when I was 18- JaeTwo3.

📍I've recently just started rapping ! What made me rap is when the group came together. -BigSmooth  

3. What inspired you to start making music?

💰What inspired me to do music is the things I went thru growing up, like depression and feeling like I dont fit in, I wanted to give a voice to the kids like me, plus my team keeps me pushing to do better then good enough- JaeTwo3.

📍What inspired me to do music is Jae ! To see how much time and effort he puts into music I want to help as much as possible to help my brother achieve his dream -BigSmooth 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?

💰Man, hands down definitely Kid Cudi, Childish Gambino, and Isaiah Rashad, without them I wouldn't even be here, they helped me discover my voice- JaeTwo3

📍To me personally i look up to J Cole, Cole speaks so much truth in every bar he say.- BigSmooth 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?

💰I'm from Newburgh,NY but I moved to Clinton, NC when I was young. Growing up in Newburgh was dangerous but my family got us out of there, I still love that city with everything in me tho! Clinton is the town that raised me and I'm really grateful for this place, this is where the dream all started.- JaeTwo3

📍I was born in Wilmington, NC but I grew up in Clinton, NC. In Clinton you got to find something you good at and chase it!- BigSmooth 6. What is your ultimate goal making music?

💰My Goal in Music is to reach people and show them that they are not alone, help someone to discover their voice as well and show them that even The "Loser" can overcome all obstacles- JaeTwo3

📍My goal in music is help my Bro Jae get to the top, we all in this together!- BigSmooth 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?

💰I think that music is in a great place today! We have so many great artist out and I know I can contribute my different style and the energy my team & I have!- JaeTwo3

📍Music is good now, but we about to contribute our different style and swag- BigSmooth   8. What are your thoughts on Trump?


📍Hes the devil.  9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 

💰Oh man, my future wife, Zendaya! You heard it here first, she is mine!- JaeTwo3

📍See me, I like older women mine is Gabrielle Union- BigSmooth  10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)

SoundCloud: Youtube: Facebook: 11. The new year is here! Where do you see yourself in 2018? 

💰Man 2018 I see us taken off! I have my first solo project coming out February 12th, and then we got some shows coming up and some more DOPE videos on the way!- JaeTwo3  

📍We going up- BigSmooth 

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