Milton Gates
This next artist isn’t your typical artist. He is really passionate about this! He goes by the name of Milton Gates. He says he will bring back that real street music. We definitely believe him after hearing his HOT new single with RichGang recording artist Moneyman. 🚀😳

1. What's your stage name(s).
🚀Milton Gates 2. How long have you been doing music?
🚀Two years 3. What inspired you to start making music?
🚀My cousin pushed me. He believed in me. I wasnt interested at first until i recorded my first hot track back in 2016 called thots. 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?
🚀I look up to Tupac he paved the way he spit real deal talk. 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?
🚀Selma NC. it was ok i mean its wat u make it. i adapt to any situation 6. What is your ultimate goal makinng music?
🚀Take over the radio, internet, and feed my people. 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?
🚀Music scene full of goofies ill bring real back. 8. What are your thoughts on Trump?
🚀Fuck trump 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who?
🚀Yep jess hilarious thts bae. 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)
facebook milton gates
Insta the offcialmiltongates 11. The new year is here! Where do you see yourself in 2018?
🚀On the stages rockin shows
12. What was it like working with moneyman?
🚀Money man so dope.. he speaks facts. i felt it was only right to collabwe hve the same views same hustle thts my dawg. 13. Will you be at SXSW music fest this year in Austin, Texas?
14. Lebron James or Kobe?