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This next artist is something serious. He goes by the name of TRAPWOOD$ and he is from Ohio! If Trap stays consistent this year we are almost certain he will me a 2019 XXL Freshman. His new single, “Die A King” is a banger and is picking up a ton of buzz on SoundCloud. 

1. What's your stage name(s)?

TrapWood$ 2. How long have you been doing music?

 🤴🏼I started writing bars in middle school when I first got myself into hiphop. Growing up it started with rock and roll because my pops has always been in local bands for as long as I’ve been alive. He’s sings and plays the drums. In like 6th grade (I think it was), me and two other friends tried to start a band just because we al shared a love for music. We didn’t get anywhere w/ it other than writing a few songs in the back room of my dads crib. Eventually I fell inlove w/ hiphop.

3. What inspired you to start making music?

🤴🏼My dad inspired me w him playing music, but I had to open my mind when it came to hip hop. My dads a die hard rock and roll fan, he loves KISS, acdc, ect. He doesn’t favor hip hop tho. I remember my mom always bumpin old rnb LIKE AKON AND CHRIS BROWN IN THE WHIP. EVENTUALLY I JUST GOT ON THE INTERNET AND FELL INLOVE W RAP. SOMETHING ABOUT ARRANGING YOUR DICTION IN CERTAIN FASHION TO CONVEY EMOTION, A STORY, OR JUST COMPLEX WORDPLAY ALWAYS FASCINATED ME. AND I JUST BELIEVE EVERYONE HAS SOMETHING TO SAY. 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?

🤴🏼I LOOK UP TO A LOT OF PEOPLE. TOO MANY TO NAME. JCOLE AND KENDRICK FOR HOW FAR THEY’VE CAME W ACTUALLY BEING REAL AND LYRICAL. Same w em. I look up to people like 50, eazy E and schoolboy q for letting music help them get away from the street life. Also look up mac miller for everything he’s done. Most people don’t understand how insanely genius mac is. From alter ego projects, to jazz projects to FACES. The faces mixtape made me fall inlove w music, as well as cope w some drug abuse problems I had going on at the time.

5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?

🤴🏼I’m from ohio. Growing up here isn’t that interesting. I live in a smallish town w a lot of drug activity and bullshit going on. Most people that grow up here never make it out. 6. What is your ultimate goal making music?

🤴🏼 Just to be heard loudy as possible. To help people through bullshit w my music the way other artists have helped me through theirs. 

7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?

🤴🏼I think its crazy. Mostly energy over meaning now but to each their own, energy is just as important as lyrics at the end of the day. I feel like I could just bring a new voice to the scene, one with certain things to say others might not. And eventually I want to get better at making beats also. 8. What are your thoughts on Trump?

🤴🏼Fuck Trump 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 

🤴🏼Demi Lovato

10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)

🤴🏼Project is coming soon, more singles bout to drop as well. My soundcloud is trapwood69 My twitter is My Instagram is donovanpalmer Youtube- Jos Hua 11. The new year is here! Where do you see yourself in 2018? 🤴🏼Hopefully staying alive and prospering.

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