Stoodjoe/Stooquapo/StooBandz 🔥😮
This next artist is coming all the way from Cleveland. He goes by the name of Stoodjoe/Stooquapo/StooBandz. He says his father is most of the reason he does music. Honestly this cat may be the hottest to come out of Cleveland in some time. Definitely expecting him to do great things this year in the music world. 🌎

1. What's your stage name(s).
🙌🏽Stoodjoe/Stooquapo/StooBandz 2. How long have you been doing music?
🙌🏽I've been writing my own music ever since I was 14. (freshman in high school) 3. What inspired you to start making music?
🙌🏽The desire to be heard, the want & need for me to be an individual, & not just another black face from the hood. Those are my inspirations. 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why?
🙌🏽First & foremost, my Father. I've yet to meet a man stronger, or more dedicated in my life! My Pops has ALWAYS been there for me. Nipsey Hussle. He was overlooked for so long, but never stopped working at his craft, & never stopped believing in himself. 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?
🙌🏽I'm from a small town right outside of Cleveland Ohio...Elyria Ohio...the "SouthSide" It's a blue collar, factory work based city. Growing Up there is real to say the least. I got everything I know from my city, that has me ready for the world. 6. What is your ultimate goal makinng music?
🙌🏽Simply put...never having to work for another man as long as there's a breath in my body. Music can & will allow me to make my own moves, & control my own destiny. 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it?
🙌🏽The music scene is alive & well today. There are some things going on that I don't necessarily want to be a part of, but I'm mot here to criticize. Everyone has a right to express themselves in their own unique way. I bring "thought" to the table, speech, & diction. Not afraid to do what I feel regardless to how "unpopular" it may be. 8. What are your thoughts on Trump?
🙌🏽Trump = a lot of negative energy. I don't allow negative energy to occupy space in my head. 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who?
🙌🏽I have no celebrity crushes 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links)
11. The new year is here! Where do you see yourself in 2018?
🙌🏽Blessed Up, & alive is all I can really ask for in 2018, but my goal is to generate a buzz...that is all. Success in this music business is a process that takes time. I trust the process.