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Mika Luciano Queen 👸🏽🎶

Over the years female rapper has died down when it comes to lyricism! To be quite honest you don’t see any female rappers that really bring bars to the table! This next artist is going to shock a lot of people this year with her dope flow. She goes by the name of Mika Luciana! She’s been chasing her dreams of being an artist since 2015 and she is determined to make this year that big year! Meet Mika! 

1. What's your stage name(s). 🎶Mika Luciano 2. How long have you been doing music? 🎶I have been an artist all my life. However I started to pursue a musical career in 2015 3. What inspired you to start making music? 🎶I've always written songs, poetry and short stories for as long as I can remember. However my family made it clear that I was destined to be a doctor or a lawyer and there was nothing promising in the art field. Once I dropped out of college and struggled to return I started to follow my passion because I wanted to show my daughter that regardless of what other people may think, you can take what you’re passionate about and make a career of it. 4. Who do you look up to in the music industry? Why? 🎶I look up TO Kanye West the most because he is the epitome of unpopular opinions and controversial perspectives and he is comfortable with being himself regardless of who agrees with him. I look up to Erykah Badu because she is a legend and not once has she degraded herself or followed any trend to be accepted. She’s timeless and powerful while making it look so easy. 5. Where are you from? What was it like growing up there? 🎶I was born and raised on Chicago’s west side. Growing up out west was like its own big ass family. The community was close knit. Although we were poverty stricken we made the best of what we had. 6. What is your ultimate goal making music? 🎶I hope to impact lives of people the same way Kanye, Michael Jackson, Lauryn Hill, and many others have. I want to show people that look up to me that following your dreams will pay off. 7. What do you think of the music scene today and what could you contribute to it? 🎶Although it is heavily saturated and there are so many talented people, I think the music scene is ever evolving an it allows artist the opportunity to give something new and original. My contribution comes from just pushing myself outside of the norm, outside of my comfort zone to create vibes, moods, and emotions thru my art. 8. What are your thoughts on Trump? 🎶#fucktrump 9. Do you have any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 🎶My biggest celebrity crush is Chance the Rapper, but unfortunately he’s about to marry the woman of his dreams already. 10. Where can the people find your music? (Drop all social media links) 11. The summer is here! What all do you plan on accomplishing? 🎶If I could just have 10 new ppl tell me that my music helps them in any way, it’ll be a good year for me. But I think every artists dream is becoming a sensation at some point! 12. Do you feel that #XXXtentacions death affected the music industry? 🎶I am certain that his death affected a lot of people especially fans of his. I think he had an ultimate goal of growing and helping others grow for the better, and his time was cut short before he could realize his impact. 

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