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LC - Oxymoron
YO! We just can not stop! No matter the hate or shade. We are the hottest up and coming blog out there for under and coming artist. We...

Who Is TraeSavage?
1. What's your stage name. TraeSavage 2. How long have you been doing music? I've been doing music since I was about 14 I always knew...

"My Son is Autistic"
WOW! Usually when you see us post new artist they all have the same reasons as to why they started making music. This guy actually wants...

Blood$hot is a threat
We are back! Today we had to link up with LA; Covington, LA to be exact. This cat is so dope and versatile I don't even know where to...

Secret Activities
MAN! We got a real treat for y'all with this one. This guy right here is from Houston, Texas. He is a talented musician that not only...

Houston, Texas talent 🙏🏽
1. What's your stage name. My stage name is Truly Preezy and Truly stands for "Truth Reveals Ultimate Love for Yourself" 2. How long have...

Calven J is LIT 🔥🔥🔥🔥
My name is CalvenJ. I have been musically inclined since birth, even played in a few bands growing up. As far as rapping, I've been...

Young Jii Industry Ready
1. What's your stage name. Young Jii 2. How long have you been doing music? Just started at the beginning of the year almost 3. What...
Gee Money 🔌💰
1. What's your stage name. Geemoney 2. How long have you been doing music? I been recording for like 6 months; had my 1st show at Club...
Nothing But THRAXX
We have been finding some of the hottest up and coming artist here lately. Today we got to interview a dope rapper by the name of "Timmy...
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